Into the Wild is an American biographical adventure film written by Sean Penn. The film tells the story of Alexander Supertramp, a man who hitchhiked...
The British show Peppa Pig is a favorite for kids all around the world. The show features a pig named Peppa, her brother George, and...
Freeform’s much-anticipated series Cruel Summer is slated for a 20th April release date. The Jessica Biel-directed series takes place between 1993 and 1995 and focuses...
The Insidious film series is one of the most successful supernatural horror film franchises in the world. The first film had its theatrical release in 2011, Chapter 2 debuted...
Due to COVID-19, filming in 2020 was quite a daunting activity. Thankfully, some productions managed to film through the rigorous tests and social distancing rules....
The Marvel Cinematic Universe has introduced us to some pretty iconic fictional locations. Now, thanks to The Falcon and The Winter Soldier, we have been...
Nasim Pedrad has masterminded some of the best comedy routines seen on Saturday Night Live and Mulaney. She is also the star of the new TBS comedy series Chad. The show’s...
There is something about Sir Arthur Canon Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes that we can’t quite get enough of. It doesn’t matter if you’ve read all the...
Every once in a while, we hear a harrowing story that speaks to the shocking depths of human cruelty. Girl in the Basement is a...