Another fascinating and thoroughly educating season of Sex Education recently premiered on Netflix. With each season, we fall deeper in love with the diverse students at Moordale...
Gi-hun in Squid Game is so desperate for cash that he accepts an offer from a well-dressed stranger to play a game whose top prize is somewhere...
The long-awaited computer-animated remake of The Lion King arrived in 2019. Following its release, it overtook Frozen to become the highest-grossing animated film of all time. It experienced mixed...
The Belko Experiment by James Gunn debuted in 2016 to mixed reviews. Gunn revealed that the idea came to him via a dream in which he...
Aladdin was one of the most successful films of 2019. It was an adaptation of Disney’s 1992 film with the same name, which was based on...
Captain Marvel broke records after its release in February 2019. It became the first female-led superhero film to pass the billion-dollar mark. Brie Larson delivered an...
Flight 828 forms the basis of everything that happens in the NBC series Manifest. Passengers board the commercial airliner for a flight from Montego Bay, Jamaica,...
Greta is a 2018 psychological thriller by Neil Jordan and Ray Wright. In the film, Frances McCullen finds a handbag with its tag showing that it...
The three boys in Good Boys need to learn how to kiss before attending a party hosted by their popular classmates. Instead of asking for help, Max,...