Curious George is a popular animated series inspired by a children’s book illustrated by H.A. Rey and Margret Rey. The first Curious George book was published in 1941...
Nicky ‘Duffy’ Fudge gained fame as a cast member on National Geographic’s Wicked Tuna. Duffy died in July 2018, a few days before the start of filming...
Yoji Harada was a beloved tattoo artist who found fame on Miami Ink. Harada stumbled onto his love for tattooing aged 19 after he inked his partner’s...
Rapper Young Thug (real name Jeffrey Lamar Williams) is incarcerated as he faces a litany of criminal charges. Thug’s trial is expected to last six...
Marcel Marceau married three times, first to Huguette Mallet, with whom he welcomed two children. She helped Marceau establish Compagnie de Mime Marcel Marceau, his...
Marcel Marceau was a French pantomime who gained global fame performing as Bip the Clown. The image of a slender white-faced man, wearing a stovepipe...
Google honored Marcel Marceau, the legendary pantomime, on the 100th anniversary of his birth via its Google Doodle. In character as Bip the Clown, Marceau...
Jodi Heffington, one of the victims of the Chowchilla kidnapping, talked to 48 Hours about the tragedy and its impact on her life. In 1976, Richard Schoenfeld,...
Lance Reddick, the prolific actor and musician best known for his breakout roles in HBO’s The Wire and John Wick movie franchise, has died at...