Every once in a while, a story surfaces on the internet and attracts the attention of millions. A lot of the time, such a story...
After a year-long delay, Candyman premiered in late August 2021 to a record-breaking reception. It became the first number 1 film directed by a black woman. The...
Val Kilmer was one of the movie stars of the 80s and 90s. The blonde heartthrob appeared in many productions but could never establish himself...
Before you watch Five Feet Apart, I suggest that you swap the popcorn for a box of tissue. The film tells the story of intense but painful...
This is Us has plenty of tear-jerking storylines, but Kate Pearson’s probably tops the lot. Kate’s weight struggles seem real because the show’s creator modeled them...
Thanks to The Haves and the Have Nots, Gavin Houston has endeared himself to soap opera lovers worldwide. As one of stars of the OWN hit series,...
Apex Legends is a free-to-play game developed by Respawn Entertainment. It is available across most gaming consoles and is set to launch on Android and iOS...