The fascination around Willy Wonka continues as Timothee Chalamet gears up to play the chocolatier in the 2023 film Wonka. Wonka first appeared in Roald Dahl’s 1964...
Brandon Mateo was described in his obituary as a selfless and fun-loving food enthusiast. It read: “He was fiercely protective of his friends and wouldn’t tolerate...
Netflix’s Don’t Pick up the Phone looks at the caller who duped multiple food and grocery outlets into performing inhumane searches on employees and patrons. The caller...
‘Whipped Peter’ is the inspiration behind Will Smith’s latest film Emancipation. In March 1863, Peter escaped a plantation where he’d been whipped to near death. Peter masked...
The search for Athena Strand ended in the worst possible way as authorities found her body in the city of Boyd, 11 miles away from...
Christmas has come early for a family in Fort Worth, Texas, following a successful five-decade search for their long-lost daughter Melissa Highsmith. Melissa was abducted...
Julie and Todd Chrisley of Chrisley Knows Best will spend the next few years in prison after a court found them guilty of fraud and tax crimes....
In Man on Fire, Denzel Washington produces one of his top performances playing John Creasy, a depressed former CIA agent and Marine. Creasy reluctantly accepts a...
The Crown season 5 revisits Princess Diana’s friendship with billionaire businessman Mohamed Al-Fayed, the father of Dodi Al-Fayed, Diana’s last boyfriend. Dodi and Diana met in...